how prosperous is your system culture?

How Prosperous is Your System Culture?

February 2023 | Scholar System Solution

Prosperity-Based Education describes an educational process by which at-promise students are no longer treated with pity by their teachers, and instead are provided the same opportunities as privileged students. Rather than solely demanding that at-promise students exhibit resilience and grit (and other personal responsibility ideals) educators provide equitable resources for them to thrive rather than just survive. 

Quote about systems of prosperity and the prosperity based education model

Are your students thriving…or just surviving?

The difference between survivors and thrivers is that survivors live day-by-day, attempting to overcome the obstacles of their environment. In contrast, thrivers have planned for a better future and have developed a pragmatic agenda to accomplish educational, life, and career success. However, it is not enough to provide at-promise students with emotional support; educators must also provide them with high rigor/high expectations in order for them to gain a sense of prosperity. 

Ecosystems of Cariño Surrounds Student Prosperity

In Spanish, the word Cariño translates directly to “care,” but it also means affection, endearment, embrace. When describing a space as Cariño or Cariñoso, it also means a place where one feels safe, at home, cared for, and happy. Similarly, an Ecosystem of Cariño is a space where students, educators, and families feel safe, cared for, embraced, and happy, and a school with such an Ecosystem is defined by a strong sense of belonging that students feel when they enter the space, across classrooms, offices and hallways. 

Components of Prosperous Cultures

Scholar System created this framework to outline the key components of prosperous school and cultures. This framework centers around how to leverage research-validated best practices about how students thrive. 

For students to be set up for success, they need to be embraced, valued, and supported by their own Ecosystem of Cariño. Thus, Educators of Prosperity hold high expectations for all their students, and demonstrate a commitment to building relationships, projecting potential, supporting students to achieve, and delivering relevant, responsive instruction. 

Download Our Self Assessment!

Scholar System designed an assessment to help school and district leaders identify areas of strength and reflect on areas of growth in their system cultures. This self-assessment aligns with the key components of prosperous cultures and identifies specific actions taken by adults to make this framework a tangible reality.


IMPORTANT NOTE! The goal is not to be able to check “All” or “Always” for each question, but instead to think about small, ten-degree shifts you can make along the way.

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