At Scholar System, our mission is to enhance and fortify the potential of your educators to transform lives, ensuring that the impact of our work endures well beyond our presentations with your organization. We are dedicated to partnering with your district to fully comprehend your community’s needs, and we customize our learning sessions to address these challenges effectively.

Lathrop Intermediate School – Santa Ana USD

Scope of work: Dr. Victor Rios and his Scholar System team delivered six (6) parent empowerment community workshops for the parents of Lathrop Intermediate School.

CABE 2024

Scope of work: Dr. Victor Rios and his Scholar System team delivered a message of inspiration, motivation, and the message to bring your best, authentic, self to attendees of CABE 2024.

Santa Maria Bonita School District

Scope of work:

One two-hour professional learning session and four (4) 60-minute follow up professional learning coaching sessions, focused on best practices for supporting at-promise students


One (1) 90-minute community empowerment keynote, focused on community engagement, parent empowerment, and how to create a community of convio focused on student empowerment.


One kick-off of our Scholar Series: A Student Empowerment Program, with a select group of at-promise students and four 60-minute follow-up workshops for the group of students for continued empowerment.

At Scholar System, our mission is to guide educators to work with our most vulnerable
students from an asset-based perspective. Scholar System offers in-person, virtual, and
hybrid professional learning sessions for teams to grow together in their practice. We also
offer customized leadership coaching for administrative teams to improve facilitation,
instructional coaching, and implementation of their vision.

Building and Strengthening Connection with Students

Scaffolding At-Promise Populations

Asset-Based Approaches to Behavior

Creating Classroom Cultures of Prosperity

The Damage of Deficit Thinking & Interrupting Biases

Instructional Rigor and Student Expectations

Masbloom: High Expectations with High Support


Scholar System is proud to unveil our newest resource for professional learning in prosperity-based systems: our Educator of Prosperity Online Certification Program! The Educator of Prosperity features four tiers of certification, with over 40 hours of high-quality professional learning.

Each Level contains interactive, engaging, and thought-provoking modules designed around the transformative content and frameworks featured in the From Risk to Promise professional learning series. The modules are self-paced and entirely in our online platform, allowing critical professional learning to fit into educators’ busy schedules.

Each module has an accompanying interactive notebook, where participants are asked to respond, reflect, and submit shifts in practice to receive certification credit.

Student Empowerment

Our curriculum focuses on the key topics of academics, mental health, emotional well- being, utilizing resources, self-efficacy, and 10-year planning. Our goal is to provide at- promise youth with the tools and resources they need to thrive academically and emotionally, so they can unlock their full potential. Students in our program will receive coaching on how to be leaders within their community and how to share the message with their peers.

Parent Engagement

Our goal is to create a sustainable parent engagement model, where caregivers can become active participants in their school community and in their children’s education. We believe that parental engagement can be a resource that schools can utilize to promote a positive, college-going culture in the home setting. Our sessions are designed to be informative, engaging, and interactive, ensuring that caregivers leave with practical tips

The Classroom Application Handbook

Self-Study Toolkit for Teachers

A School Leader's Guide

Street Life


Human Targets


Contact us to learn more.