Love Jefferson

Areas of Expertise:

  • Connection
  • Team-building


Love Jefferson, a Los Angeles native, was in high school when he was told by a counselor that he “couldn’t play college football because he wasn’t smart enough to attend college.” A teacher stepped into his life at the right moment, believed in him, and supported him in applying to college.

This support led him to be awarded an athletic scholarship to Washington State University, one of the top teams in the country. As a first-generation college student, Love earned himself a higher education, a Pac-10 Championship, and a Rose Bowl appearance, before starting his journey in the NFL with the Chicago Bears.

For over fifteen years, his true passion has been in the field of building up individuals and building teams through personal growth learning experiences and workshops. Love has and currently works with organizations such as YouthBuild USA, California Conservation Corp, SpaceX, Netflix, Snap Inc., a number of California Law Enforcement departments, and a wide range of non-profit organizations. His training focus is geared towards supporting young professionals, educators, and parents looking to increase self-worth, sense of belonging, and self belief in achieving success. Love is a husband and father to three children, with a message rooted in Safety, Support, and Sense of Belonging – “Look for it, or create it.