Equity in the classroom | Dr. Victor Rios

What is Equity in the Classroom?

Jan 4 2023 | Prosperity Practice Highlight

Equity isn't Equality

Equity in the classroom refers to the fair and just treatment of all students, regardless of their background or personal characteristics. It is the idea that every student should have an equal opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.

The difference between equality and equity in the classroom

It is often misunderstood that when we refer to equity in the classroom, we mean every student gets the same thing. In reality, in equitable classrooms, every student gets what they need, when they need it. 

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Equity in the Classroom

Creating an equitable classroom begins with the recognition that all students are unique and have different needs and experiences. This means that teachers must be proactive in addressing any potential barriers that may prevent some students from fully participating and thriving in their education.

Equity is about embracing diversity and uniqueness

Vary Your Teaching Methods

One way to promote equity in the classroom is by using a variety of teaching methods and resources that cater to different learning styles and needs. For example, a teacher may provide visual aids for students who are visual learners, or allow for group work for students who learn better through collaboration.

Another way to promote equity is by providing additional support for students who may need it, such as tutoring or extra time for assignments. Teachers can also make accommodations for students with disabilities or special needs, ensuring that they have the necessary resources and support to succeed.

It is also important for teachers to create a safe and inclusive classroom environment, where all students feel valued and respected. This may involve addressing and challenging any biases or prejudices that may be present in the classroom, and fostering a sense of community and belonging among all students.

Ultimately, promoting equity in the classroom requires a commitment to fairness and inclusivity, and a willingness to go above and beyond to support the diverse needs of all students. By creating an equitable learning environment, teachers can help ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.

Dr. Victor Rios, Scholar System Founder

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